Thank you to everyone who came out to the Luna Festival this weekend, even with all the rain we had! Thank you to everyone who supported this event in ANY way, even with just good vibes from across the world. THANK YOU. We had an amazing day full of creative arts and expression, with a full house of local vendors and creative talent.
We doubled just about everything from last year: Went from 42 to 80 vendors, 6 talent showcases to 12, over 2000 people throughout the day, more people in costumes, more food, more raffle prizes, and a much bigger live art area for guests to participate.
Huge thanks to the Bank of Guam, Guam Visitors Bureau, Pacific Islands Club, AdzTech Guam, and everyone who contributed to the online fundraising campaign on IndieGoGo for making this possible, and for helping to keep this event free-to-the-public and full of awesome creative talent.
I will let the photos tell the rest of the story. Thank you to those who shared their photos with me, much appreciated! This is a compilation from event attendees: