My temporary (1 week) studio… took advantage of my brother leaving to Fiji for a surf competition…
12″x12″ Latte stones
Finished 24″x30″ Turtle
Me in my “studio”
More latte stones! 12″x12″
Banyan Tree 16″x20″
Vibrant Flower, now up at MoSa’s 24″x30″
A wave painting I had started…
And then totally changed… 24″x30″ now hanging up at MoSa’s
“Wild Seas” 24″x30″ hanging up at Guma’ TASA coffee shop in Mangilao.
“Haggan of the Sea” 24″x30″ hanging up at Guma’ TASA coffee shop in Mangilao
Small 6″x12″ wave painting for my brother for Christmas. =)