Join us in the vortex!
Enjoy a mystical evening of art, wine, creative wisdom, holiday gifts, and more on my birthday, 12/12 at my art studio (above Mosa’s Joint in Hagatna at 324 W Soledad Ave)!
We will be tasting Milagro wine (featuring my artwork on the label!) and showcasing our creative talents.
Featured Creative Badasses in the Vortex:
Moi! I’ll be exhibiting my artwork of course, tasting Milagro Wine & being the birthday girl. I’m also offering signups for Destiny Card readings. Don’t bring me any presents, lol. Just bring your beautiful self, taste some wine, enjoy the magic, buy some art, OR you can make me super happy by becoming a Patron on my Patreon page!
Holly Rustick– Author of Handful of Smoke, The Break, and Close to the Bone. She’s a creative entrepreneur, grant writer, and amazing single mama! She’ll be showcasing her books, including launching the latest book Close to the Bone. You can find her on Facebook and Instagram @ericasandauthor , and can also visit her site at http://www.hollyrustick.com
Dorathina Herrero– Artist, mama and creative badass, she is an amazing illustrator and painter, and will be featuring her print art of the illustrations she did for Close to the Bone. You can find her on Facebook, or on IG @mismunekas or view her portfolio and more at http://dorathinaherrero.com
Joan Awa– Author of Shadows in the Water and Crossing Exes and Finding Ohs, and yogi extraordinaire, this creative badass is a citizen of the earth, traveling, creating, and sharing her love for yoga, healing, and life. She will be showcasing her book Crossing Exes and Finding Ohs. Visit her site at https://www.joanawa.com
Doyon Ahn Morato– Creator behind Zories Only, a Guam-themed greeting card company. She is a mama and a powerhouse in the creative women in business community, showcasing her cards & clothes. Shop online at https://www.zoriesonly.com
Amanda Young– Minimalist Witch and Autonomous, Ink., mama, and otherwise general creative badass, she’ll be offering earthy magic in the way of life and business printables, and potions for living. She and I also collaborate on new adventure called Witches in Business. Find her on IG @bless_and_be
Pika Fejeran– Amazing woman-in-business powerhouse, mama and restauranteur, sharing her creative talents in the community. Now showcasing her handmade jewelry line, through her new creative project, Love, Pika.
Amber Word– Blue Amber Trio in the house with gemstone wearable art and healing frequencies – stones, jewelry and Guammie gifts that give back. Check out their wares on IG or FB at @blueambertrio, Custom birthstone jewelry and wirewrap rings made on the spot!
Arie Ritten– A creative badass in her own right, talented in so many areas of the arts!! An artist, model and now model advocate, Arie will be offering henna body art to interested guests, showcasing her talent for bringing out your own inner beauty and soul through henna design. Find and support Arie on her Patreon page, or on IG @arieritten