Often I am asked “Where to start?” when it comes to creating and living a positive and exhilarating creative journey. One of the best things I did to ground myself in my journey, was to start a Creativity Binder. Call it what you want, it can be a Binder of Inspiration, Book of Creativity, Creative Portfolio, Creative Journal, or give it your own unique name like “Chelsea’s Creative Journey” or “Isabel’s Inspirations”. Basically it is a place where you can keep all your positive affirmations, mini Treasure Maps, creative exercises & brainstorming, prayer pages, art sketches.
The only rule is that this where you keep stuff that uplifts and inspires you. Its where you can see and feel the stuff that brings you joy, like collages of the things you love. Images that make you feel good. No long negative journal rants unless you are specifically intending to *Turn it Around to end on a higher note. I keep my regular daily journaling in its own separate and sacred place, where I am free to release whatever is on my mind (without feeling pressure to see the positive side) , especially during times where release is all I need to feel better. The point of your Creativity Binder is that it holds that “high note” for you, so that if you happen to have a hard day or are in a rut, you can open it for inspiration and a reminder of the things that bring you joy.

My “Chi” (a word I borrowed from Christine Kane, short for “Creative High Importance”) list that serves as a sort of checklist/reminder of the essential things that keep me happy, nourished & creative.
Your Creativity Binder is YOURS and YOURS ALONE. You can design it ANY way you want. You can make it an earthy “book of shadows”, or a bold and colorful portfolio of goodness. You can use recycled paper or a scrapbook. I like the Avery brand binders that have the two pockets on each inside cover, and the “easy turn” shaped rings. I put a handful of sheet protectors and or some kind of folder or envelope to hold miscellaneous things. Card stock is great for doing mini *Treasure Maps on or writing out positive affirmations or your favorite inspiring poems, etc. I just use a 3-hole punch on the sides and add them in to my binder. Some ideas for what to put in your creativity binder: *A beautiful photo of yourself, doing what you love *A personal manifesto, a life mission statement of sorts *Favorite inspiring poems, quotes, stories *Images you love! *Mini Treasure Maps *Doodles or sketches *Positive affirmations (I have a page for home & family, career & business, spiritual connection, parenting, etc.) *Creativity exercises *Images of people that inspire, motivate or soothe you *Prayers
Yes, your Creativity Binder is somewhat of a sacred & positive scrapbook, but it can be SO simple. The idea here is that you have something tangible, something that stimulates your senses. Your book will be your sanctuary, where you go for a safe space to enjoy your creative self. As you build your book and add to it, you will feel the evolution of your creativity. Be aware of any “tough stuff” that may come up about your own creativity, worth, etc. Allow your book to “just be” and to serve you in your journey. Be playful and curious about it. Forget normal and get funky. For quite some time I kept my own Creativity Binder a secret. It was a treat, to spend some time in my creative book of treasures and feel-good inspiration. I hope that you find something inspiring to take away here, and ideas for starting your own Creativity Binder. Here’s the key: Keep it simple to start with. Get yourself a pack of card stock & and a cool binder (a 1″ binder is fine). Use a 3-hole punch on the card stock, and you are good to go. Even if you just start with some ruled paper in the binder, that is FINE. The important thing is that you feel good about your binder and flow with what is right for you. Have FUN!

In the back of my binder I’ve got a sheet protector (or 2 or 3) with various clippings. Sometimes I’ll just have a 20 minute clipping session and stash them away for when I’m ready to make a collage on another day.
With Love,
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