I took this photo this morning, while I was reflecting on what went well last week, and where my focus will be this week. I’m reminding myself of the basic essentials of my own wellbeing and why I do what I do. People ask me all the time, “How do you sustain creativity? How do you …
An affirmation for you today: “I love all of me.” All of your being, the light, the dark, the pretty, the ugly… neat n tidy, chaotic & messy, clean, dirty, happy, sad, angry, confused, ecstatic, grateful, creative, boring, loud, quiet, steady, shaky, nervous, confident, passive, assertive, stubborn, wild, calm, passionate, placid, giving, greedy, desiring, soulful, …
So I “homeschool” my boys here on Guam. I use that word with a lot of flexibility, to allow for the organic nature of learning and creativity. I appreciate so much that we are free to choose what direction we want to go, it opens up whole new worlds of learning! We can go so …