A Day in the Life of an Artist- Capture the Moment Photography

I’m not sure how to begin writing this special post, so I’ll just start by saying exactly that. If you look back at many journal entries of mine, they often begin with “I’m not sure what to write, but…” and it is because I have so much to say that I don’t know where to start sometimes. Basically, I met someone really cool, and I absolutely know we are soul sisters. It is always hard to articulate what that means for me, but let’s just say we’ve barely interacted in person, and it’s like we’ve known each other forever. Her name is Jolynn Redmond and she is a talented artist, and her medium is her camera. She is the force behind Capture the Moment Photography and I’m grateful that we’ve connected. This past weekend we did a lifestyle shoot, “A Day in the Life of an Artist.” We started at my Creative Session at Guma’ Tasa, and her and another good photographer friend (and kindred soul as well) Frank Henshaw followed me home. It seemed more than just a photo shoot, it was a connection among new/old friends. And it just so happened that ahhmaaaaazing photos were a result. Someone commented on one of the posts shared on her Facebook page that it “feels like a movie” and I totally agree. A filmmaker friend commented that yes, the photos have a cinematic quality. I love everything about this photo set. I’m honored and super grateful, thank you again Jolynn. <3

On Jolynn’s website, she writes:

Photographs capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce. A camera is my personal sketch book, a tool for me to capture and show case the beauty that I see through the lens of my camera ♥

“Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second.”
― Marc Riboud

Here are the photos, and please note as well:

My work is protected under copyright law. My images are not produced, represented, sold, distributed, or licensed as stock photography. You may not use, print, distribute, reproduce, alter, edit, or manipulate my work in any way, either in it’s entirety, or in portion, without express written consent and license from me.

-Capture the Moment Photography


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