Living on Guam has its perks, like everyday access to the bluest of blue Pacific ocean! We have been enjoying the ocean, fishing, surfing, swimming, playing in the sand, going on the sailboat, and enjoying the company of a ton of dolphins. If interested in booking a sailing charter on the Rubicon, my dad’s boat, …
This week I started a Facbeook group called Living, Learning, Raising Guam: Resources & Support for families on Guam. It is a place for parents, families, teachers, and anyone who has great ideas and resources for living and learning on Guam. It is a place to share, to ask questions, to seek support, to find ideas …
Looking for some fun ideas for your family to get into this summer on Guam? I’ve done some looking, and here are some of the programs, camps, and other opportunities that I’ve come across: Inetnon Gefpa’go- Manhoben Escape Summer Program …