In no particular order:
- Fantastic Floatables- hovering “no strings” balloons that follow you around with a “weight control” remote kit. Cheap & COOL. Check out the Dolphin Swimmers.
- Babysitting vouchers or gift certificates from you to a loved one with little ones.
- Upload a cool photo of you and/or family & friends, or of a beautiful scene you love, and order/print greeting cards, write a personal note to each person and mail. With all the digital mail these days, I love a handwritten note from anyone!
- Gift card or certificate to a book store (or an online book seller). Books are awesome. Even eBooks can be awesome.
- Use 4″x4″ canvas blocks, paint them different colors and when dry, write inspirational or funny messages on them for friends or family.
- Start plants! Where do your friends live? Think of an easy plant to grow in your/their conditions. Herbs like basil are easy. Grow plants for a couple weeks, potted in small planters. Costs you a couple bucks per plant if even that.
- Eco covers! These are elastic covers that are cloth on one side and waterproof inside that replaces the need for plastic wrap or foil on many bowls/dishes.
- Organize a carol-singing group with friends & family instead of exchanging gifts
- Go to a holiday concert/choir/gig & support your local musicians.
- Ride the holiday trolly around town if you have one where you live. Go see lights together with someone.
- Have a “Holiday Painting Party” and get crafty & messy with friends.
- Buy plain journals & decorate them. Leave love notes, journal prompts & doodles on random pages. Give them away as holiday gifts.
- Re-do the kids’ room, or design a cool area for them to work/play. Sometimes just rearranging some furniture and adding a functional piece (or some paint) can make a world of a difference.
- Buy the person behind you at the cafe a muffin & a drink.
- Leave random notes of love & kindness everywhere you go during the holidays.
- Spend time with someone who needs company.
- Have a gift-wrapping party for friends.
- Gift someone some cooking classes, a horseback riding lesson, an art lesson, something creative they’ve been wanting to try but haven’t.
- Handmade jewelry. Keep it simple, easy, fun & pretty.
- Poetry! Buy your favorite book, or write some yourself. Write them on different things like paper, cardboard, t-shirts, mugs, journals, newspapers, canvas, walls…
- Support your local farmers, gift your family & friends with a box of the freshest produce in season with a couple recipes. Maybe even host a “cooking party” where you all support each other in trying out a new recipe.
- Do a beach or park cleanup.
- Plan a scavenger hunt for friends or family. Find a sponsor who can donate a prize for the winner(s).
- Board games. There are some fun & engaging ones out there!
- Pay someone’s phone bill for the month.
- Make a mixed CD!
- Gather photos of a friend or family member (even if just off of their Facebook page!) and use a program like iPhoto’s album feature or shutter fly to make a photo album book that you can order.
- Gift passes to a park, waterpark, adventure park, or some kind of sporting event in your area. Experiences are priceless!
- Clothing or dress-up clothes for kids, you can pick up some quality stuff at thrift stores.
- An Astrology reading.
- A handwritten & bound booklet of 52 cards of “why I love you” (saw this on Pinterest)
- A wine & bread picnic basket, with a date card/invite inside.
2 Responses to 32 creative gift & celebration ideas that are meaningful, affordable & fun!