Just Keep Creating. My motto forever.

Just Keep Creating. No matter what. Life is full of ups and downs and unexpected twists and turns. Sometimes things will seem totally torn apart and destroyed. And we can sit and feel the experience, and no matter how difficult, can continue to ask ourselves? What do I need now? What do I want now? …

Being Here AND There: The Beauty of Transition

Sooo… I usually do NOT like the word transition. Feeling in limbo can be so uncomfortable, as if we are neither here nor there. I’ve felt this MANY times in my life. Wanting to feel solid, HOME, clear and yet feeling that uncertain floatiness (technical term here) and oh the waiting! Well, I want to …

How I Heal Myself Through Art & Creation, Without Even Realizing it!

Each of us has darker aspects of our personalities. I know I do. There is value to EVERY part of one’s personality, and problems really only occur when we are out of balance, when we are out of touch with our Source–our Truth–and those “dark” parts take hold. Art and creating, of any form, has …