Hafa adai everyone! The 6th annual Luna Festival on Guam is well underway, and currently accepting vendors and participants for the event, to be held on Sunday October 26th at Jeff’s Pirates Cove. The festivities begin around 12 noon and wrap up by about 8pm in the evening. Admission is FREE, and guests are invited …
There are so many books that I’ve read that really made a difference in my life, and I sometimes think to myself, “If only’ I’d read this when I was a teenager!” It is never too early, or too late, to learn more about yourself and what kind of life you want to create for …
I get asked about inspiration a lot. “What inspires you?” “Where do your ideas come from?” “How do you keep the process going?” Well the simple answer is: Living life. Every day there is something to be inspired by. Enjoying life, observing your surroundings, noticing things that catch your attention, appreciating beauty, having fun with …
Say that 5 times fast. =) “Painting Photo Shoot Session.” I would like to thank our lovely local photographers Jolynn Redmond and Frank Henshaw for dropping in on today’s Creative Session at Guma’ Tasa. Lovely to see you both and invite you to experience the day from an artist’s perspective. Thanks for getting right in …
This past week the Hui Nalu Ocean Club collaborated with Guam Visitors Bureau to bring a group of junior pro surfer girls to the island. Dax McGill, Tatiana Weston-Webb, Bailey Nagy, Kobie Enright and Reika Noro came to help out with the surf camp at the Onward Agana Beach Resort, as well hold the 1st ladies …
Summer surfing on Guam…definitely not peak season, but great for kids! I still enjoy surfing every once in awhile, but I am also happy to chill on the beach and watch others enjoy the water. I’ve been having fun trying to get some good footage of my son, my little surf grom. He’s had fun …
The other day my older son was out surfing with his dad and friends. My little one came with me to my monthly radio show and the day evolved into date for the two of us. It was nice to spend some fun time with him, I want to do the same with his brother …
Took a walk with the boys at Ipan Beach. Had the place to ourselves, love midweek, midday beach visits! We walked barefoot (okay mostly me) on the sand and then onto the rocks, along the grassy path, spotted some fish, a sea bird, and looped around to Jeff’s Pirates’ Cove, and walked back to our …
The awesome thing about working for yourself, making your own schedule, AND homeschooling, means we get to go to the beach any day we want, and we can avoid the weekend crowds if we wish. So on a quiet Wednesday, we headed down to Talofofo Bay for a family beach day. Some friends came down …
Looking for some fun ideas for your family to get into this summer on Guam? I’ve done some looking, and here are some of the programs, camps, and other opportunities that I’ve come across: Inetnon Gefpa’go- Manhoben Escape Summer Program …
What a glorious full moon we had on April 25th! Here on Guam, I celebrated and enjoyed the 3 days of full moon by going with Garden Day friends on a hike through the red dirt hills of Manenggon, then a full moon 8th birthday for my niece. I didn’t take many pictures during the …
So I am admittedly one of those artist moms who is squeamish about her own kids’ messes. It is rare that my kids get to indulge in messy fun kid stuff, and when it happens, it’s outside. With a tarp. And a hose. And towels, cleaning spray, a mop, okay okay just kidding, I’m not …
What a wild week! Fun in the sun, beach park, painting, yacht club, surf contest, surf class.
Another awesome Easter egg hunt, bbq and family/friends FUN. Tons of super yummy food, colorful eggs, outfits, flowers, and kids. This seems to be the one gathering of the year that we get a different variety of friends and family who make it out to Talofofo for this holiday. The kids played outside in the …
This past week has been another creative whirlwind. My facebook status the other day read: A busy week of living & learning. Enjoying time in the yard, playing soccer, climbing trees, identifying plants, eating yummy foods, boiling herbs, playing sudoku, reading National Geographic, watching movies and cartoons, practicing reading, writing & math, going surfing, painting, …