Here are some tidbits from this past Creative Session at Guma’ Tasa. For some strange reason I didn’t get pics of the lovely creations made by Jody and her daughter! I was in a zone that day. =)
The latest commission piece I’m working on is for a fiery little princess who just turned 1 year old. This is a piece that she can “grow into” and cherish for years. I think it captures her fun-loving nature.
I get asked about inspiration a lot. “What inspires you?” “Where do your ideas come from?” “How do you keep the process going?” Well the simple answer is: Living life. Every day there is something to be inspired by. Enjoying life, observing your surroundings, noticing things that catch your attention, appreciating beauty, having fun with …
Here are the final 8 submissions as part of the art competition hosted by Guam Coffee Company and Creative Indeed. Please give your vote by liking and/or commenting on the photos. We will be taking into consideration the “people’s choice” both here on Creative Indeed’s page, as well as on Guam Coffee Company’s Facebook page …
I’m just going to let the photos of the paintings do the talking for this post.
James Davis is a local filmmaker, cinematographer & director here on Guam, and he has quite the portfolio of awesome video clips. You can see his work on his Vimeo channel. I just recently finished a collaboration with him, shooting a short documentary clip on me and my artwork. After doing this project, I have …
Here is the field segment of the video project I am working on with James Davis, a local filmmaker, cinematographer, & director here on Guam. He offered to collaborate on a mini documentary on me and my art. This painting was done/inspired by the fields of Talofofo, down on the Malojloj side of Guam.
So as I have mentioned before, fine art portrait painting and other technical art are not my expertise or preference. However, I have been challenging myself to take on more and try to improve in this area. I had a request for a painting based on a photo taken by Frank Henshaw of the lovely …
So I am currently collaborating with a local filmmaker and director James Davis creating a short documentary clip of me as an artist. I’ve been on video many times, but I’m still mortified every time I see/hear myself. The cool thing is getting to see the process of gathering footage and putting things together. It’s …
Here on Guam, we didn’t really get to see much of the blood moon lunar eclipse because of the timing and cloudiness. Some friends and I took our kids down to “1st Beach” in Ipan here on Guam. The kids had fun… after they gave up whining about the bugs and fighting with each other for …
Earthy Spiral” My favorite thing to paint… spirals… they are like meditation for me. This one has an earthy textured feel. 16″x20″ acrylic on stretched canvas
For those with a fire in their heart that may feel dimmed at times, but always still a spark, waiting for life to breathe it into a flame, a full on blaze of unstoppable life force energy. Treat this power with love, respect & nurturing. Use it for creation, not destruction. Channel that intensity with …
Awesome fun down at Talofofo Bay, as always. Here are some photos from the day:
I’m not sure how to begin writing this special post, so I’ll just start by saying exactly that. If you look back at many journal entries of mine, they often begin with “I’m not sure what to write, but…” and it is because I have so much to say that I don’t know where to …
Say that 5 times fast. =) “Painting Photo Shoot Session.” I would like to thank our lovely local photographers Jolynn Redmond and Frank Henshaw for dropping in on today’s Creative Session at Guma’ Tasa. Lovely to see you both and invite you to experience the day from an artist’s perspective. Thanks for getting right in …
Today I had an adventurous Creative Session. =) I attempted to paint this dark horse. I just love the image so much, and horses have been calling to me lately. Here’s the photo I was inspired by: Here’s my painting attempt. I’m still learning & practicing, horse features are tricky with paint! At …
8 FINALISTS CHOSEN TO MOVE FORWARD: Caroline Baal Kenneth Leon Guerrero Lance Osborn Ben Quinata Omron Soto Viktoria Sayrs Ubeng Torres Peter Vaughan
I love photography, capturing images is a beautiful art form, whether digital or handcrafted. Recently, I was offered to do an art-themed photoshoot by Robert D. Camacho, a wonderful local photographer here on Guam. It was a lot of fun. I don’t have any real modeling experience, but this experiment was awesome, not too shabby?! …
This past week the Hui Nalu Ocean Club collaborated with Guam Visitors Bureau to bring a group of junior pro surfer girls to the island. Dax McGill, Tatiana Weston-Webb, Bailey Nagy, Kobie Enright and Reika Noro came to help out with the surf camp at the Onward Agana Beach Resort, as well hold the 1st ladies …
Just some highlights from my latest creative adventures… pretty flowers, a neighborhood peacock, a light show warehouse party for my friends’ ShipRight BoatShop grand opening, photo-art made out of selfies, and a close-up on the rooster painting I did recently.